Prerequisites and acceptance
You’ve come to the right place
Whether you’re a sports enthusiast or professional athlete, at the beginning of your career or in the middle of it, a solo athlete or a team player – if you love sports and would like to turn your hobby into your profession, you've come to the right place. Thanks to its flexibility, the course of study can be easily adapted to every phase of life.
Even though most of our students are currently in the midst of their active professional careers, our course of study can also be very interesting for people who are currently not familiar with the industry. For example, we have also helped students who are members of the German Armed Forces or working in banking or business fulfil their dream of a career in sports management.
How to get started
Since the course of study is not a full bachelor's degree, but rather a state-recognised university certificate, the Abitur (German secondary school diploma required for university entrance) is not a compulsory requirement for admission. You can also register for our programme if you meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Secondary school-leaving certificate (Mittlere Reife)
- Completed vocational training
- Three years of work experience
Just send us your documents and we will look at your CV individually.
What we need
For your registration, we only need the following documents for you to get started right away:
- Proof of schooling and vocational training
- Short curriculum vitae in table format
- Copy of passport/ID card
- Completed and signed registration form
We are looking forward to meeting you personally.