Your Training Team
Our lecturers are your coaching team
When selecting our lecturers, we attach great importance to professional expertise, a wealth of experience and sports relevance. You know the business of sports, and our lecturers know the economic realities of the industry – an optimal combination that will help you get started in sports management as a second career.

Marco Tautenhahn
Accounting and Financing

Prof. Dr. Patrick Peters

Dr. Nicolas Klein
Sports Law

Sindu Sivasuntharam
Internationalisation in sports

Jan Poggensee
Fundamentals of Marketing

René Beck
Sports Marketing, Sports Management

Christopher Görwitz
Sports Psychology

Konstantin Krause
Project Management

Michael Plentinger
HR Management and Organisation

Karim Farhan
Fundamentals of Marketing

Thorsten Grobler
Project Management

Manuel Schindler

Dr. Alexander Dworak
Sports Marketing, Sports Management

Florian Frohnhöfer
Principles of Business Administration and Economics

Marcel Moussaoui
Sports Law

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